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Extracting subsets from planet.osm

In this directory you will find a Perl script that allows you to extract
a subset of the data from within the weekly planet.osm file.  Running the
script is as simple as: [-v] -i planet.osm -o gb.osm -p gb.poly

The options used in this example are -i to specify the input file (or you
can use STDIN), -o to specify the ouput file (or you can use STDOUT), and
-p to specify the polygon file.  The polygon file is the only required 

If you run the script with the -h option it will print a full list of the
available options. The -v makes the script verbose and prints out a progress

Polygon files

Polygon files are ASCII text files containing a list of longitudes and 
latitudes.  A file can contain more than one polygon so you can extract a
number of different areas with a single command.  An example of a polygon 
defining Great Britain and Ireland (and some of the smaller islands) is:

        -0.6450E+01     0.4980E+02
        -0.2000E+01     0.4890E+02
        -0.1850E+01     0.4925E+02
        -0.2080E+01     0.4973E+02
         0.1350E+01     0.5090E+02
         0.2250E+01     0.5258E+02
        -0.0500E+01     0.6130E+02
        -0.8920E+01     0.5785E+02
        -0.1140E+02     0.5130E+02
        -0.6450E+01     0.4980E+02

You can also exclude areas by polygon. You do this by prefixing the number
that starts a polygon with a "!". Otherwise it is the same.

Contributed polygon files

In this directory, along with the script and this README
file you will find polygon files contributed by the OSM community.  If you 
want to contribute a polygon either add it to this directory and update the
list below, or email it to Keith Sharp <>.

Available polygon files:

gb-irl.poly : Great Britain, Ireland, and the Islands.
at.poly     : Austria, <>
spain.poly  : Spain and Canary and Balearic islands